Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oscar Reaction Wrap Up: The Good, The Dull And The OMG Totally Over It!

Christoper Nolan got snubbed! Andrew Garfield got screwed! And "Hereafter" got a Visual Effects nod but "Tron: Legacy didn't, because, geez...really, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, really?!
Yes, yesterday's Oscar nomination roll-out brought a fair amount of anger-inducing surprises. But it also delivered — predictably, soothingly — what we can always expect: a slew [...]

One doesn't typically equate fan boys and horror buffs with the Sundance crowd (heck, they've got Comic Con, after all). But when Rutger Hauer is in town, it's a different story.

The 67-year-old Dutch actor, perhaps best known for his roles in films like "Blade Runner" and the original version of "The Hitcher," came to Park City, Utah to screen his latest venture, an over-the-top gore fest called "Hobo With a Shotgun," much to the delight of movie fans with particularly off-kilter taste.

Hauer sat down with MTV News to discuss all the slaughter in the flick about a town gone very awry. "This is not that serious," Hauer said of the film's grindhouse-style violence. While he acknowledges the film's violence walks "a fine line," he argues that in the shock-value horror genre, "The buttons have already been pushed."

"It's a different story," he says of the film, adding, "It's not about limbs flying and how creatively you try and kill somebody."

In true camp-movie fashion, "Hobo" was screened at midnight last week to a raucous crowd that ate up every kill and cheesy line of dialogue. Even Hauer, who plays the film's vigilante — and the armed homeless dude of the title — couldn't help but get caught up in the madness of the event. He was having a blast, and was spotted filming the pre-screening hubbub with his own camera.

After the premiere, the star took questions from the audience, and as Hauer revealed to MTV, one theatergoer had a particularly stand-out query. "One kid asked me, 'I've always wanted to kill somebody, is a shotgun the right way to do it'?", to which Hauer initially responded, "Huh?!"

Then, in the true splatter-flick spirit, Hauer suggested, "Scissor hands. Why do it so quickly? Do it slowly, you know?"

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